Windows Reverse Polish Notation (WRPN) is a public domain calculator that is modeled after the Hewlett-Packard HP-16c "Computer Scientist". This is not a Hewlett-Packard product. It is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Android.
WRPN uses Reverse Polish Notation, which uses the ENTER key instead of the "=" (equals) key.
In addition to all the functions you'd expect from an ordinary calculator, WRPN also has many features specifically designed for the computer professional:
- Floating point, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, and Binary modes
- Word sizes from 1-64 bits per word
- Signed math (1's complement, 2's complement, unsigned)
- Logical operators (and, or, xor, not, masks, etc.)
- Bit-wise operators (shift, rotate, rotate with carry, etc.)
- 32 storage registers
- 4 position stack
- 203 lines of program memory
Running WRPN
Just install and launch the program to start using WRPN. Alternatively, you can use the on-line web version of WRPN. The WRPN screen looks like the following:

Take a look at the following video for how to install and run WRPN on a Windows-based PC
Other Projects
View other projects by Emmet Gray at: http://www.emmet-gray.com